Clan MacInnes Legacies
Clan MacInnes is one of the oldest names of all the Scottish Clans. Because of a lack of recorded history and no clan chief, exact knowledge has been hard to come by. The following list is a partial list of some of the more interesting areas where Clan MacInnes has made an impact. The Clan is also working a U.S. based history that involves significant MacInnes influence.
The Nova Scotia Cairn dedication at Antigonish
MacInnes' were recorded on both sides of this famous and tragic battle
Ancient ruin where the kings of Scotland were crowned.
Another sacred burial island started by St. Mundus
An old forgotten soldier with a Victoria's Cross now rediscovered.
The starting place for Mac Aonghais, son of Erc.
The church of St. Columba and the sacred burial grounds.
The "butter castle" occupied by Clan MacInnes
The more colorful area of MacInnes as whisky runners
Famous warrior of Clan Donald , was he from Angus lineage?
Some ships named SS MacInnes