Kiel Church Morvern Scotland
MacInnes Door and plaque

Kiel Church in Morvern
Kiel Church, the church created by St. Columba and said to be welcome to any church, needed a new entrance door. These are quite expensive, and The Clan MacInnes Society raised funds to purchase a door. In the 1997 Clan MacInnes Tour, the door was dedicated. Kiel was somewhat an active church, with the Reverend Ann Winning coming by about every two weeks to hold services. It is still holding services 4 weeks a month.

From the December 1997 Thistle and Bee, from the description of the Clan MacInnes Tour:

"Sunday was a big day for our group. Our bus took us from Fort William, across on the ferry at Corrao to Morvern, and down to Lochaline and to Kiel Church. We went by the ferry landing and picked up a family from Mull. We were also joined by a number of other Maclnneses from Scotland and from England. We arrived at the church and were met by the Reverend Ann Winning, pastor of Morvern Parish Church. The bellringer, assisted by a young MacInnes child, summoned the congregation to worship. With everyone standing outside the dedicatory service of the new Clan MacInnes doors began. Bill McInnis made the presentation of the doors from the people of Clan MacInnes and the bronze plaque, donated by Steve and Donna McKinnis of Texas. Ann Winning, accepting on behalf of the church, invited all to enter the church. The entire congregation was piped into the church by Rachel Benefield. During the service Alasdair MacInnes read the scripture lesson in Gaelic and the senior elder of the church read the same verses in English. The hymns and the sermon had all been select­ed with special care. Ann Winning had even written new words for one of the hymns used. We hope to get a copy of this for our group and will include it in a later edition of the newsletter. The church organist had prepared special music for the occasion. A most impressive and touching service."

The plaque was donated by Steve and Donna McKinnis to go with the door. Steve and Donna had been by Kiel several months earlier and was able to see the door before the plaque was placed on the wall.  It was donated in honor of Richard McKinnis, Steve's father, and "all fathers before him"
"This door was erected to the glory of God
by gift of the people of the Clan MacInnes
and the Clan MacInnes Society, Int."

Jesus said "I am the door; if anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out,
and find pasture." John 10:9
Kiel door sign
Kiel Church door

At the left is the open door with plaque and Mary Faulk, part of the 1997 Tour, inside. At the right is the door photographed earlier before the plaque was placed.

Colin MacInne and others at the dedication
Kiel door

At the left is the closed door with plaque. At the right is looking through the door out to the Loch Aline and the Celtic cross. The field is very marshy and hard to walk.

Kiel door looking out to the loch