
One reference states amazement that a Clan as old as MacInnes, arising c. 500AD, so very little history has been recorded. Given that the chief and heirs were presumed murdered, and then Clan dispersed through the loss of leadership and the instability of the times; and the fact there is little written history, makes exact details of the Clan difficult if not impossible. These facts also lead to many myths and claims by other clans.

The International Association of Clan MacInnes ((IACM) sponsors the CLAN MACINNES WEBSITE as an effort to document as much of the history of Clan MacInnes as we can. IACM does not claim to speak for all MacInnes' of the world but to act as a focus. We are an armigerous clan, that is, one without a chief, Clan MacInnes.

The International Association of Clan MacInnes will show references for all factual content. Other information and links are the responsibility of the Webmaster and every effort is made to ensure their accuracy. Reference links and their related artwork or nomenclature are owned by the original site owners, and we have obtained permission to use them. Please do not violate their copyrights.

This web

This web is a volunteer effort by the Director of Communications, Steve McKinnis, for the International Association of Clan MacInnes. Any input or content is freely accepted and will be reviewed by the International Association of Clan MacInnes and will become the property of the IACM. The web names of clanmacinnes.org, www.clanmacinnes.org, macinnes.org, www.macinnes.org, clanmacinnes.com, www.clanmacinnes.com, macinnes.scot, www.macinnes.scot are the registered property of the International Association of Clan MacInnes. This web is run as a not for profit endeavor under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

All sections Copyright by International Association of Clan MacInnes (IACM)  


International Association of Clan MacInnes Board of Officers